I paid a visit to Bad Wolf Bay from BBC’s Doctor Who TV show to cover the fan-favourite “Doomsday”, composed by Murray Gold.

Watch Doctor Who “Doomsday” Cover on YouTube now.

► Stream and download links (Spotify, itunes etc.):

The Doctor and Rose getting separated and saying goodbye at Bad Wolf Bay is one of the most iconic moments of Doctor Who, brilliantly performed by David Tennant and Billie Piper. Just as Rose is pulled into a parallel dimension, the show’s composer Murray Gold delivers one of his most effective soundtracks: Doomsday. It is raw, it is haunting and depressing and fits the scene perfectly. So, in order to do this track justice, I once again invited a few of my musician friends to join me on this cover. Big shout out and thank you to Stefanie J. on vocals, Sarah Bergé on the violin and Aaron Bergé on the cello, who all did an amazing job!

Our Doomsday cover should be up on all major platforms by now, so go find it on your streaming service of choice or throw us a few pennies in our digital hat by downloading the song.

► About “Doomsday”
Murray Gold described Doomsday as the kind of music Rose would listen to while locked up in her room, heartbroken from losing the Doctor. The song was built around a melody that Gold had previously used when Rose first entered the TARDIS in season 1, so bringing back that melody for Rose’s departure from the show was very fitting. The song surprised both the showrunner and producers of the show, who had expected a typical sad strings soundtrack, but they loved what they got instead, praising Gold’s out-of-the-box thinking.

► Music Credits
Original music by Murray Gold.

Cover arranged, produced and performed by Borna Matosic.
Web: https://www.bornamatosic.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BornaMatosic
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bornamatosic/
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/BornaMatosic

Vocals performed by Stefanie J.

Violin performed by Sarah Bergé.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarah11061997/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sarah.berge.35

Cello performed by Aaron Bergé.

► Video Credits
Filmed on location at Bad Wolf Bay AKA Dunraven Bay in Southerndown, Wales.
Video production by Borna Matosic & Stefanie J. @ BAMBOO BANDIT: