“Kohlensäurederivate” is the name of a german comedy musical short film for which I composed the music.
Watch Kohlensäurederivate on YouTube now.
My video production team BAMBOO BANDIT once again participated in the 2880 short film festival. The rules are simple: Every team gets a unique combination of film genre and film title and has 48 hours to produce a short film. We were tasked to create an adventure film called “Kohlensäurederivate”. The absurdity of this title led us to take it all one step further and challenge ourselves by making it an adventure musical instead!
This of course meant the music had to be finished BEFORE filming began. So I wrote and produced the music over night and had our actors come in the next morning to sing their parts. And then we were off into the woods to film what essentially became a music video short film.
We managed to complete the project in under 48 hours and the film went on to win the film festival’s public vote as well as best actor and best music prices.
But most important of all, we had a totally crazy exhausting weekend with lots of fun and laughs!
The song “Kohlensäurederivate” can be streamed and/or downloaded from all major platforms: